I.LOVE. my job.
Read that again. LOVE. As in, LOVE IT! The students, the parents, the staff, the admin. I love every bit of it.
Let me tell you why…..
A little while ago (oh, about 8 months ago), I took the leap from elementary counseling into the unchartered-for-me world of middle school counseling. I’d been a high school counselor so long ago that beyond raising my own children, the pre-teen years and all their challenges had become a bit foreign to me.
I’d learned about a year ago that our 6th-grade population would be transitioning from being housed in our elementary schools to the newly renovated middle school across town. While I love the little ones and all of the adorable things that go along with being an elementary school counselor (I do miss being brought cupcakes at birthday parties!), I knew it was time for me to make yet another move. I’d taught first and second grade, I’d been a high school counselor, I’d been an elementary school counselor, I’d taken on leadership roles at my county and state levels of school counseling work. Mixing in the fact that I never quite stay in one place for too long, I decided that moving across town to our new middle school was the right move for me, for many reasons.
The move has been interesting because I’d always had 6th graders. The newness and challenge would come with placing them in a middle school setting as the youngest children in the building, and helping them navigate everything that comes along with being a true middle schooler.
I was also very excited to be working with a team. As an elementary counselor, you are typically the only one. Having a team has made a world of difference for me professionally. I don’t feel as alone in my advocacy, and there’s always someone who GET IT! (I am still working on convincing our team to do matching t-shirts with me. But, baby steps right?)
While student scheduling is not my strength, I learned it and conquered that very early in August, and leaped right into all of the other stuff–supporting, advising, counseling and enjoying of being a middle school counselor. Within a week I knew that I loved middle school. After 2 weeks one of my amazing co-counselors popped her head in and said, “So, do you like it?” My reply: “Nope….I LOVE IT!”. And here’s why I am finding middle school counseling to be an absolute joy:
- I get to help students through some of the most formative years of their lives.
Middle school is a time of incredible growth and development. Students are forming their identities, exploring their interests, and figuring out who they want to be. As a middle school counselor, I get to help them through this process, offering support and encouragement along the way.
- I get to be a champion for social and emotional learning.
Middle school is a time when social and emotional learning (SEL) is especially important. Students are still earning how to manage their emotions, build positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. As a middle school counselor, I get to be at the forefront of this work, helping students develop the skills they need to thrive in all areas of their lives. Whether you’re leading a mediation on conflict resolution or working one-on-one with a student who’s struggling with anxiety, I feel like I’m making a real difference in the lives of my students.
- I get to be creative and innovative.
Middle school counseling is anything but boring! There are so many different students, personalities, and challenges to contend with, that I need to be creative and innovative in my approach to counseling. From art therapy to helping a student express their feelings or incorporating mindfulness exercises into a counseling session, I have the opportunity to help students explore strategies that work for them.
- I get to work with an amazing team.
Middle school counseling is rarely a one-person show. I work alongside teachers, administrators, and other school staff members to create a supportive environment for students. This collaborative approach means that I have the opportunity to learn from others, share my own expertise, and build strong relationships with my colleagues. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of working together to make a difference in the lives of students. I did much of this at the elementary level but LET ME TELL YOU about the amazing team I work with. I knew them prior to moving to middle school. I always knew they were excellent counselors. I knew they were all amazing moms, wives, and counselors. But every day they open their offices to me, my questions, my needs, and even my weird jokes! It’s one thing to appreciate a colleague’s work from the outside, but when you see it first hand up close and personal, a new level of respect is born.
*Sometimes I watch things from afar-like the counselor who dropped everything she was doing for one of my students when I was busy and had a line of children waiting to see me. She spends time giving compassion, love, and advocacy to her job every day.
*Or the other counselor who is super sweet, and kind to all of the children and the staff no matter what they bring our way, and is THE best at teaching me our student records systems. She knows all the tips and tricks to manage schedules, and she has a unique way of helping me see and reflect on all possibilities before I make a decision. Then there’s our third colleague who probably is our resident encyclopedia on all things mental health, legal, and advocacy. I seriously want to be like her when I grow up! So knowledgeable, and approaches situations with a calm energy that is like……… like a serene lake on a windless day, no ripples of stress or worry for miles around!
*Finally, our part-time mental health counselor is an absolutely GEM. This woman was once my intern. I knew then that she’d be dynamite and I was right. She is thorough. I’m talking from soup to nuts she makes sure she does everything she can to support the students when they walk in that door.
Our counseling office secretary takes the cake though. She’s got a very keen eye for knowing when a student needs to talk, vent, rest, or needs academic advice. Our secretary is professional, kind, thorough, organized, and intelligent– and I think she is a counselor in disguise and has kept it a secret!
- I get to have fun!
Finally, let’s not forget the most important reason why middle school counseling is a joy: it’s just plain fun! Working with young people can be incredibly rewarding, and it’s hard not to feel energized and inspired when you’re surrounded by so much creativity, enthusiasm, and curiosity. Whether you’re leading a group activity, planning a school-wide event, or simply chatting with a student over lunch, there’s never a dull moment when you’re a middle school counselor.
I am so happy I made this move to middle school counseling. It is busy and it is challenging. But it is also joyful. And what better way to spend my work days than experiencing joy in my passion.
Be Blessed!